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Preserving trees by using them (Nan, Thailand)

Wyss Academy

While the Wyss Academy for Nature’s focus in Southeast Asia currently lies in Nam Thien, Laos, since March of 2022, we have also been active in the neighboring Nan province of northern Thailand. The landscape in Nan province shows degradation due to unsustainable farming practices over the past three decades. An unprecedented demand for cash crops during the last decade is replacing natural forests.

In order to conserve these natural forests, their economic value must be enhanced – and local communities involved, so they can be sustained over the long term.

Monitoring of planted trees as part of the Tree 4 All initiative, Nan, Thailand, November 2023. © Andreas Heinimann

Starting in March of 2022, we partnered with the Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) and with the Trees4All initiative to develop an innovative finance mobilization mechanism for planning and managing multipurpose trees in Nan. In addition, alternative income streams for local communities are being developed. By the end of 2023, over 100 farmers had joined us and about 10,000 trees were planted. The established community-led tree nursery provides seedlings, and an online portal makes it possible to monitor the planted trees.


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